Are you sick of hearing the now clichéd ‘Adventures games are dead’ whenever fond memories of LucasArts and Sierra classics are shared? Even worse, are you sick of saying it? Because, like all overused maxims, this one also has that shred of truth that led to its conception, but it […]
So zombies, right? They’re pretty much awesome, and games that have them featured usually score quite a few points in their favour simply because of this fact. Make a zombie the protagonist of one of these and things just start looking up from there.
Sonny 2
The original version of this game spent some time at the top of Konkregate‘s most popular games list, looking very smugly at all the other games below it who scrabbled for the lower podium positions; it held a similar accolade for even longer under the strategy subcategory. Then the 1.5 update of the […]
Desktop Tower Defense Pro
Nandrew: Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present to you our second Dev.Mag Collaborative Review Thing™, partially because the first one was so fun and mostly because Rock, Paper, Shotgun have not yet sued us for stealing their idea. Chippit: … and because the Wolfire guys were nice enough to unexpectedly drop a […]
Return to Sector Nine, by Pug Fugly Games, is a collection of nine minigames revolving around a single premise: make stuff explode… IN SPACE! It’s a throwback to the old arcade shooters of yesterdecade – you, in one little ship, blasting the everloving snot out of hordes of enemies while dodging […]
Return to Sector 9
Some things are destined to go together. First person shooters and explosive barrels. Pictures of cats and funny captions. The world is full of people who think to themselves, “Hey, I like peanut butter. I like chocolate. Why not put them together?” Some of these combinations are somewhat misguided (chalk […]
Doom: Fall of Mars
When a competition comes around with the theme “Advancing Wall of Doom”, you know that the games produces are going to be something special. Well, that’s exactly what the Ludum Dare 48 hour game competition did, as we reported a few weeks ago, and the submitted games certainly lived up to […]
Mind Wall
Glum Buster is a special game, in more ways than one. The core gameplay mechanic might be simple enough – a side scrolling platformer with puzzle elements – but the presentation of the game and the world of Glum is where the magic lies. The game utilises the concept of […]
Glum Buster
With recent buzz around Dev.Mag about art games, out of the minds of Terry Cavanagh and Stephen Lavelle, we’re faced with something that epitomizes that very concept – Judith.
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 27, released in November 2008. Anybody who’s played Introversion’s seminal strategy/action game Darwinia will know the joys of having thousands of little flat men marching across the map in a long green column, leaving the glittering red digital souls of dead virii in […]
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 28, released in January 2009 When one talks about the development of episodic games, there are normally two distinct advantages that get touted. The first is a steady cash flow. The other is the ability to iteratively improve on the game as each […]
PAA: Episode 2
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 24, released in August 2008. In most games, the opening cutscene generally consists of hints of a dark secret, a terrible evil that must be vanquished lest it destroy the world. This first episode of the Penny Arcade Adventures series of episodic games […]
PAA: Episode 1
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 22, released in June 2008. Trilby: Art of Theft is a stealth-platform game created by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw using Adventure Game Studio. Yes, you read correctly – a platformer made in an engine designed for adventure games. As the title not-so-subtly suggests, Art […]