In 2005 the South African game developer community Game.Dev decided they wanted a magazine covering local game development news, tutorials for making games, and accomplishments of local developers – professional and hobbyist. So they started Dev.Mag. The first 29 issues were published as downloadable PDF documents. Then Dev.Mag made the huge move to the web (you are here!).
At the end of 2010, two South African IGDA chapters were started. The South African IGDA web site now covers local community news and events. We decided to keep Dev.Mag, but change the focus to developer content: tutorials and insight shared by the people in the know. Although this is a relatively small portion of the topics traditionally covered, it is by far the content most favoured by our readers, and we were happy to move our focus to where it matters.
See also: Dev.Mag Contributors.
– Herman Tulleken
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