This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 29, released in February 2009.
2009 IGF Finalist Roundup
It’s rare that a fresh concept is exceptionally implemented in its first incarnation, but that is exactly what Miktar Dracon has accomplished with Blastion. Taking the idea of racking up points with limited lives and flipping it on its head, Blastion’s gameplay is quite unlike anything else in recent memory. […]
Blastion Review
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 27, released in November 2008. Anybody who’s played Introversion’s seminal strategy/action game Darwinia will know the joys of having thousands of little flat men marching across the map in a long green column, leaving the glittering red digital souls of dead virii in […]
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 28, released in January 2009 When one talks about the development of episodic games, there are normally two distinct advantages that get touted. The first is a steady cash flow. The other is the ability to iteratively improve on the game as each […]
PAA: Episode 2
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 24, released in August 2008. In most games, the opening cutscene generally consists of hints of a dark secret, a terrible evil that must be vanquished lest it destroy the world. This first episode of the Penny Arcade Adventures series of episodic games […]
PAA: Episode 1
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 22, released in June 2008. Trilby: Art of Theft is a stealth-platform game created by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw using Adventure Game Studio. Yes, you read correctly – a platformer made in an engine designed for adventure games. As the title not-so-subtly suggests, Art […]
Trilby: Art of Theft
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 21, released in April 2008. One hundred and ninety six years ago, cat burglar Trilby escaped the horrors of DeFoe Manor, only to discover an even greater danger. One hundred and ninety six years from now, an unwitting starship crew will stumble upon […]
6 Days a Sacrifice review
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 21, released in April 2008 We’re back with the third installment in the Chzo Mythos series by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw. Trilby’s Notes takes place 4 years after the events in the DeFoe manor from 5 Days a Stranger. The titular handwritten notes from […]
Trilby’s Notes
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 20, released in February 2008. It’s a quiet day in the Caracus Galaxy. The starship Mephistopheles sullies forth across the sea of stars, its six-person skeleton crew boldly scouting what no six-person skeleton crew has scouted before. Of course (being a horror game […]
7 Days a Skeptic
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 20, released in February 2008 5 Days a Stranger is a freeware point-and-click adventure game developed by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw. “Yahtzee” has a become a bit of an internet star lately with his weekly video reviews, Zero Punctuation, where he gives a funny and […]
5 Days a Stranger
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 20, released in February 2008 I must admit: I’ve been a philistine. I played the original Tower of Goo back when it was on Experimental Gameplay and thought that it was entertaining enough. It didn’t blow my mind or anything, but it was worth the […]
World of Goo
This article originally appeared in Dev.Mag Issue 20, released in February 2008. A stunning setting, an involved story, and a gargantuan world to explore. This is the promise of Aquaria, an indie title nearly 2 years in the making, and winner of last year’s IGF grand prize. Diving into this action-adventure […]
Sitting down with Derek Yu’s latest creation, I had some pretty high expectations. After all, we’re talking about the guy behind stuff like Aquaria, I’m O.K. and TIGSource. I’m happy to say that I didn’t walk away disappointed. In fact, it was difficult for me to walk away at all.