This article gives more handy tips for designing a platformer. There are tips for movement on ladders and veins, jumping, ledges and platforms, the camera, interface, and other ways to make a fun game.
This article gives a list of best practices for working with unity: it covers the process, working with art and prefabs, class design, project structure, and many others.
In a previous article, we looked at the diegesis theory of interface design. The theory can also be applied to audio design. This is a look into the design of audio for games, and how diegesis theory can help us structure our thoughts.
This article looks at crunch time, its effects on the development process and the developers themselves, how to avoid it, and how to deal with it if it does come.
In this article, Julian Pritchard gives us his take on game ideas: what is necessary to support a good idea, and how to develop the skills to bring ideas to fruition.