Monthly Archives: August 2009

I feel really stupid for missing out on the announcement of Ludum Dare 15, but I’d like to try make up for it by pointing out the 144-strong list of entries around the subject of “caverns”. I’ve been randomly clicking around and checking a few of these buggers out, and […]

LD15 Entry: Collapse

“Obscurity is a greater threat than piracy” – Tim O’Reilly. Is that a killer quote or what? Gamasutra is currently running a feature entitled Building Buzz for Indie Games. The link has been spreading all over the Internet, and it only seems fair that we put it here too. Not […]

Building Buzz for Indie Games

Right, so I’m aware that we haven’t really shut up about these games since they hit the spotlight, but bear with me for a moment. See, Zombie Cow Studios have decided to burst their banks and publish elsewhere. Not just any elsewhere, mind, but on the biggest elsewhere ever to […]

Steamy adventure pair

Over on the Game.Dev forum, contributor DukeOFprunes pointed out this really kickass list of readings and other linkage from Gaming Horror. It covers an impressive variety of topics: stuff related to business, indie communities, engines, tech, assets and … well, go on and just have a look at the collection. […]

LOTS of indie dev links graces us with a compelling argument in favour of independent development, showing how true innovation is only likely to arise from independent sources. The piece reasons that, due to its inherent nature, the flexibility of indie development gives it a considerable reign of freedom (and potential) over larger development […]

Independently independent

This one is a quickie because there’s not much to be said that hasn’t been said on the official Team Fortress 2 blog already: (1) Valve are cool and stuff. (2) Team Fortress 2 is cool and stuff. (3) Valve are showing us how they make TF2 maps. There’s a […]

Valve and their maps

The gaming press recently offered us a little snippet of tantalising information: Zombie Cow Studios, the devs behind Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! are planning on going episodic. Yarp, that means what it sounds like. Little bite-sized chunks of Ben and Dan all over the place. Hopefully […]

Zombie Cow hits episodic gaming

Take yourself back to a time with fewer colours, blippier-bloopier sounds and a much steeper difficulty curve. Tower of Heaven is one of those retro-styled games which will appeal to the hardcore nostalgics — you know, the sort of folks who can win Mega Man with only one hand on […]

Tower of Heaven

I posted about DanC’s Flash Love Letter series back when the first post was made, and back when I had – only marginally, admittedly – better news headlines. The post went into a really long and detailed discourse on monetising flash games, and paid some serious attention to making a […]

Love letter 2 flash