Dungeons, Dragons and Design

News Dungeons, Dragons and DesignSo: yesterday I skipped out on the Internet. That’s right. Instead of being a responsible online citizen, I decided that I’d spend all that time designing a DnD campaign with a friend instead. And hey, once you get started on one of those buggers, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll lose track of time very, very quickly — especially when your breaks consist only of checking on that grid-based card game concept that you’re also working on.

But hey, why should I excuse myself? In a sense, my day’s been spent engaged in some of the purest game development pursuits around. I’ve written before about the wholesome goodness of board game design, and then there’s articles like this on GameCareerGuide which discuss some interesting points about DnD and design. Going analog, so to speak, is a really refreshing game development exercise for anyone, and I’m not alone in thinking so.

Have a gander at the articles linked, they’re both pretty good. Especially mine. Because I’m awesome and stuff.
