GDC Austin: Wolfire and Fez

News GDC Austin: Wolfire and FezIt is truly my greatest regret (at least in game development terms) that I’m a little too far removed from the first world to attend some of the awesome game development conferences that keep cropping up. The 2009 GDC Austin serves as a prime example of what I’m missing out on, and I can only hope that I scrape together enough newsworthy bits and videos to consider myself “in the loop” and not be snickered at by everybody else while my back is turned.

I saw a pair of interesting links on the news circuits today: one is a talk on indie game marketing delivered by Wolfire’s John Graham. And since Wolfire are the undisputed gods of game dev PR, I suggest giving this piece a look — even if it’s just a brief overview of the actual speech given, there’s a lot of solid advice in the report.

There’s also another cool spiel from Offworld’s Brandon Boyer. Not much talk at the link: just a collection of some of the more influential indie games that are doing the rounds today. Still, it’s worth a look, especially since Fez made a debut demonstration at the event. There’s also one or two games on the list that some of you may not have seen yet: checking them out is a refreshing experience.

GDC Austin is still running for another couple of days, so check out Gamasutra or one of its sister sites if you’re interested in keeping up to date.
