Glum buster hits charity milestone 1

News Glum buster hits charity milestoneA few days ago, we announced the release of Glum Buster, a surreal and rather endearing title created in Game Maker and released to the public under the label of “charityware”.

After less than a week on the market, Glum Buster has already reached its first charity milestone and will be handing the money over to the Starlight Children’s Foundation along with a 51% extra contribution from CosMind, the game’s developer.

As the game reaches further charity milestones, it’ll be unlocking some cute little wallpapers over here to reward donors. That, and charitable folks everywhere will get a warm fuzzy feeling in their tummies.

UPDATE: Okay, a bit of a mix-up. As far as we’re aware, it’s not an additional author contribution -on top- of the money donate, the contribution is actually a direct component of the game’s income. And stuff.

We’d fire our accountant if we had one.