So a little while back — less than 3 weeks, actually; these guys work fast – we mentioned Zombie Cow Studios’ plans to Go Episodic. Well, two interesting pieces of news have surfaced since then.
Firstly, you can expect Ben There Dan That Episode 1 – otherwise known as Revenge of the Balloon Headed Mexican – to have all the wit and charm of Time Gentlemen, Please in a small, 1-hour sized package. While there’s no ETA yet, we can live in hope that we’ll be able to GET GAME before long. The name is half the battle, right?
And until that time, you can contribute a little to the dev’s efforts yourself by telling them how much you’d be willing to pay for their new episodic titles. That way nobody goes bankrupt! In theory, of course; economists will say there’s a lot of theory to these things, but we all know they’re actually lying. Right? Right. Now go lend a dev a hand, wouldya?
– Chippit