Local news: Comp 22 and The Verge

News Local news: Comp 22 and The VergeSo, we’ve been reliably informed by the esteemed Danny “dislekcia” Day that he’ll be promoting Dev.Mag on tonight’s showing of The Verge on DSTV’s GO channel at 9:30. If you have access to a South African television set, then stay tuned and make some lame whooping noises when we get our airtime.

What he’ll ALSO be promoting is the currently-running Game.Dev Comp 22 (super-duper news report here, competition thread link here), which has developers re-imagining an existing game in a new and exotic genre. So far, we’ve got everything from Gears of War JRPG prototypes to Worms being re-imagined as a board game (I even made a crude – and mildly disturbing – AVP dating sim to kickstart the festivities, much to the chagrin of decent human beings everywhere).

SA entrants only, but everybody else is welcome to have a look at this stuff too.
