A funny thing about my job is that I always find myself writing about game mods sooner or later, despite the fact that I don’t really consider myself to be much of an authority on them. This should be put into perspective, of course: if I write stuff about anything, I tend to do a pretty gosh-darn awesome job of it, but modding requires that extra little bit of background research and read-uppery that makes a decent article.
Deus Ex’s “The Nameless Mod”, however, is a different bucket of fish soup entirely. Not only has it received a fair amount of press coverage already since its release earlier this year, but it’s actually got a premise that I quite enjoy. And now there’s a GameCareerGuide postmortem on it for your beady-eyed reading pleasure.
If you want a nice introduction to the mod, check out this article on NAG Online for an overview.