Game pick of the day

News Game pick of the dayA quick heads-up today, because I’ve stumbled across a really stylish offering that I cannot resist sharing. And, of course, because I’m such a whore for adventure games, and I’d be crying myself softly to sleep every night if it weren’t for the occasional devs who remember the genre as fondly as I do.

Zombie Cow Studios seem to be among these devs. Their older donationware Ben There, Dan That! had an excellent grip on the pointy-clicky fun (and the associated humour) of greats such as Monkey Island. And now there’s a new, even more polished sequel that you can get right here for a measly, insignificant fee. Go do it! Hesitant folks will be set back an odd 20 MB for the demo, or half that number for the prequel (it’s free, what do you have to lose?).
